
SoftCore is a BPP Renewables’ proprietary cable cross-section analysis tool, based on analytical and numerical models, extensively validated against experimental data. Models take into account the multi-layered construction of cables and the complex interaction of these layers whilst under load.
The outputs predict the cable’s mechanical properties including axial, bending, and torsional stiffness. SoftCore is used to estimate the cable’s maximum handling tension; minimum breaking load; and minimum bend radius. The results entered into OrcaFlex to complete the global analysis studies.

OrcaFlex, an ‘industry standard’ software package, allows engineers to carry out static and dynamic analysis of a wide range of offshore systems, including cables, global analysis, installation and towed systems.
BPP Renewables analyses electrical umbilicals and cables under environmental loads from waves and currents and externally imposed motions.
The 3D non-linear time-domain finite element capability predicts the global response of complex offshore systems.
BPP Renewables typically uses OrcaFlex™ for:
- Fatigue analysis
- Ultimate state analysis (storm conditions)
- Installation analysis
ABAQUS and Altair Hyperworks Optistruct

BPP Renewables use the ABAQUS and Altair Hyperworks suites of engineering analysis software to simulate the physical response of structures and solid bodies to load, temperature, contact, impact, and other environmental conditions in a wide range of engineering applications. ABAQUS and Hyperworks are the leading software for advanced design analysis. BPP Renewables has used ABAQUS and Hyperworks as its preferred Finite Element (FE) analysis tools for well over a decade and has built up a wealth of experience, covering a wide range of analyses particularly for umbilicals and risers.
Both ABAQUS and Hyperworks are renowned for their superiority in time domain analysis and non-linear geometric response capabilities. These advantages are used to the full by BPP’s experienced subsea and stress engineers. BPP Renewables frequently use these products where detailed component FEA is required, such as cable/umbilical protection. systems and end fittings.

SolidWorks is the CAD (Computer Aided Design) programme used by BPP Renewables for the creation, optimization, and review of cable component designs