OptiH2Float – Offshore Green Hydrogen Production
The Challenge
Using energy from floating wind farms to generate Green H2 offers a viable renewable energy store, balancing generation with demand, working towards achieving a Net Zero economy. A key feature of offshore H2 production facilities is that they will not need high-cost subsea export cables going to shore.

The Project
BPP Renewables developed OptiH2Float, a new system design and integration software tools to enable developers to reliably estimate the performance, CAPEX and OPEX of Green Hydrogen (H2) production from offshore wind farm. OptiH2Float takes a variety of input data (CAPEX & discount rate of system components; geographical location & environmental data; H2 transportation options (pipeline or tankers) and output an optimisation process for the system design. This is based on the combination of multiple systems into one simulation.
OptiH2Float integrates robust optimisation schemes to enable power loss, cable cost and risk reduction from different turbine layouts. The optimisation includes all key factors including cable size, turbine positions, conductor material, burial depth, junction boxes, sub-stations, wind and wave conditions and ambient sea temperature.
The Outcomes
- Develop the system definition and integration tools to represent existing commercially available components (TRL8-9), to assess performance predictions for the production of GreenH2 from Offshore Wind Farm
- Detail the benefits and challenges of producing GreenH2 offshore using existing technologies, including capital and operating costs, process risks, its cost- effectiveness, and how the solution could be scaled, against a counterfactual.
- Explore co-operation between the offshore energy and H2 sectors.
- Optimise layout and configuration of inter-array cables, FWFs and GreenH2 substations.
- Develop a scalable engineering design process.

- Green Hydrogen Production System Design
- Optimisation of Offshore Wind Farm Layout
- Hydrogen Storage & Transportation Solutions
- Preliminary Design & Risk Assessment